Monday 7 November 2011

Features – The Lovely Eggs inspired by The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band

Lancastrian boy/girl duo The Lovely Eggs release new single 'Allergies' on December 5th. Loosely based on the life and times of the '60s maverick and The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band mainstay Bob Markley, the buzz saw pop delight is produced (and features sitar) by Welsh psych missionary Gruff Rhys (Super Fury Animals).

The Eggs' Holly says of the WCPAEB: "We have been listening to them for years and in fact the articles in Shindig!, as well as yer Jon 'Mojo' Mills' discussion with Tim Forster, helped shed light on a band who for years had been a total enigma to us. We were massive fans but had no idea about their background or what happened to them, until your article."

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