Tuesday 15 November 2011

Record Review - Cherry Choke

A Night in the Arms of Venus
Elektrohasch CD/LP

According to the band this concept album concerns, “the journey of a hard living Victorian gent with an eye for the syphilitic ladies of the night through to his final Mercury-ridden twisted end.” Mercury was often used to treat syphilis in Victorian times though had the rather unfortunate effect of making patients more ill due to its massive toxicity.

History lessons asides, the band feature Mat Bethancourt, who may be familiar to some from his stoner-psych outings with The Kings of Frog Island and retro ’70s rock outfit Josiah. This band take a similar retro tack, playing late ’60s style powerful psychedelia with clear influences from Hendrix, Cream and particularly SF Sorrow-era Pretty Things.

The acid rock guitar and Who style powerplay all sound fairly derivative but still add up to an enjoyable listen, even though it’s hard to follow the rock opera story. The songwriting sags towards the middle but there are still plenty of memorable tracks and lots to enjoy. Recommended to acid rock fans.

Austin Matthews

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