Wednesday 30 November 2011

Record Review - The Red Plastic Buddha

All Out Revolution

In spite of a number of personnel upheavals in the past 18 months, this is the long awaited follow up to The Sunflower Sessions from these self-proclaimed “leading lights of the Chicago psychedelic underground”.

It’s a more rounded and tighter affair than its predecessor. Drawing on influences such as Revolver/Pepper period Beatles, the jingle-jangle exuberance of ‘Daisy Love’ is a bewitching concoction of Barrett-era Floyd and The Byrds. They even do a flamenco tinged version of The Electric Prunes’ classic ‘I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night)’!

But, if songs like ‘Starfish’ appear a little contrived, elsewhere ‘Army Of The New Tomorrow’ and ‘King Of The Underground’ are suffused with the spirit of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, and ‘Soldier’ belies an even harder, punkier edge. Overall an accomplished collection of songs that straddles a spectrum of psychedelia and American alt-rock that stretches all the way from the mid-1960s to the present day.

Rich Deakin

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