Friday 4 November 2011

Record Review - The Silver Factory

The Sun Shines Over You EP
Elefant 7”

Trust a label with the pedigree of Spain’s Elefant to spot the songwriting nous of midlands Dream-Pop maestros The Silver Factory. Their first release since forming two years ago, main songwriter Fran Feely takes the trinity of The Byrds, The Stone Roses & Johnny Marr as the all-important reference points. The result: jangly pop music to make it feel as though we all live in an eternal summer where laying in the park, being in love and hanging with your friends are the only things that really matter in the world.

‘The Sun Shines Over You’ kicks off the EP and puts you right back to 1989 and baggy heaven. A simple melody and chord progression yes, but the feeling is no less marvellous. How often does music trick you into an uncontrollable grin? This track does it for me every time. ‘She Smiles’ takes us closer to McGuinn territory, with a splash of Housemartins rhythm and an underlying melancholy that is undeniably English in flavour. Then my personal favourite of the four, ‘I’m Not Young Enough To Know Everything’ just convinces you’ve struck gold with this band. The pauses after choruses, the backing vocals that sigh a bittersweet refrain, the rocking guitar solo matched with infectious handclaps...this is why I fell in love with music as a child. By the time ‘Tomorrow’s Today’’s Hollies and Zombies beat-y goodness had passed by I end up starting the whole beautiful flipping-record process again. The best EP released this year by anyone anywhere, without doubt.

If this band isn’t your cup of tea please go away and never come back. There is no hope for you (here or indeed anywhere).
Phil Istine

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