Wednesday 23 November 2011

Record Review - Trolley 'Things That Shine & Glow'

Things That Shine & Glow
CD / Download

Remember when Teenage Fanclub had the bit between their teeth and produced brilliant song after brilliant song? Listening to this album reminds me of those times. The Milwaukee quartet’s third full-lengther is a modern-day classic. Never repetitive, every song either gets you with melody, or guitar riff, or harmony, and always with great musicianship.

Where they sound most assured is on the Beatles-meet-Zombies numbers like ‘In The End’ and ‘Out Of Love’. The arrangements are so strong it's as if they are working parts of a fine Swiss watch. The vulnerable, halting singing of Paul J. Wall can really tug the heartstrings on ‘I Can’t Hide’ and the title track, the latter also demonstrating some breath-taking harmonies. And as for closer ‘Love The Way You Look’’s like Big Star and R.E.M. personally dropped by and gave you an early Christmas present. Yes, that good.

‘She’s The Kind Of Girl’ displays Kinksian fuzz guitar to make you feel right there in ‘65, and during it I imagined them sharing an IPO stage with The Len Price 3 and Muck & The Mires somewhere in America’s backwaters. Of course I’m contractually obliged at this point to mention the understated psychedelic tinges scattered throughout the LP, and the influence of their Paisley Underground forefathers. I love this album. Power-pop and Mop-Top fans will certainly cream themselves when they hear it. Why aren’t these guys megastars?

Phil Istine

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