Wednesday 23 May 2012

Kathryn Williams presents...The Pond

 A ‘democratic mud pit’, The Pond is folk songstress Kathryn Williams and fellow musicians Simon Edwards and Ginny Clee, who have created an album project that will take many by surprise.

It’s a bold and exciting move, a psychotropic mix that augments vintage beats, 60’s pop, tape loops, Eastern notes - even a rapper. Songs like ‘Circle Round A Tree’ and ‘Art Of Doing Nothing’ carry a sunny, laid back disposition but others leave a surprising impression of darkness. Comparisons may be drawn with down-tempo artists like Lemon Jelly, Mint Royale and Bent, but The Pond’s strong emphasis is on songs and voices.

The Pond’s music developed over a two year period of on/ off recording at Simon & Ginny’s home studio in North London and by exchanging files over email with Newcastle-based Kathryn. “From working closely with Simon on my last three releases, it was natural to mess about in the studio in downtime,” explains Kathryn of the project. “We had no plans or ideas of forming a band we were just having fun and experimenting with sounds and ideas. Slowly the sound came together and we were able to hear what was ‘The Pond’ and what wasn't. It's been very democratic - being able to share the responsibility and the joy of a record is great. Plus being able to say I'm in a band sounds cool(!)”

Watch Marry Waterson’s video for the single ‘Circle Round A tree’ on their website.

The eponymous debut album is released this Monday on One Little Indian

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