Monday 28 May 2012

Record Review - The Creeping Ivies

Ghost Train EP

The Scottish garage rock duo are back with a follow up to their debut EP ‘Rock N Roll Party’, which offers more gritty psychotic stompers in the same vein between The White Stripes, The Cramps, and The Buff Medways were they fronted by a banshee.
Said banshee, Becca Bomb, sounds like she grew up loitering the streets of Detroit with Suzi Quatro circa The Pleasure Seekers living on a diet of Fifties B-Movies and fuzzed-out eighties garage punk nastiness; as she growls her way through opener ‘Ghost Train’, grinding her guitar as Duncan Destruction, the sharp-suited Frankenstein bashes away moronically on the skins.

Second track and highlight of the record is ‘Don’t Cry’, a mean stomper of maniacal lust, which crosses between early Yeah Yeah Yeah’s with more garage-blues muscle, with Miss Bomb screeching:“Don’t you die, die, die in my bed...!” her voice drifting between an American punk drawl and broad Scottish lilt. Final track ‘Chicken Voodoo Blues’ loses all grip on common sense and is a full on nonsensical assault on your ears with pounding drums, scuzzy riffs, and bratty vocals. Raw, wild, so climb aboard, please. Next stop voodoo-ville!

Yvonne McKeown

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