Tuesday 22 May 2012

Record Review - Young Hines

Give Me My Change

Protégé of renowned singer/songwriter and sometime Raconteur, Brendan Benson, this is Young Hines’ debut solo album. Hines has in the past been a member of a leading American Beatles tribute band, and his love of them shows: at times he sounds uncannily like both John Lennon and George Harrison, particularly on numbers like ‘Just Say No (Sometimes)’ and ‘Rainy Day’.

Despite a natural propensity towards a more acoustic sounding gentler school of songwriting, Hines isn’t averse to taking excursions into Black Keys or White Stripes style distorted blues territory either – ‘Hold You And Scold You’ and the heavy ‘Can’t Explode’ being particular examples. It’s unabashedly commercial at times, and although parts of Give Me Back My Change are quite irritating in a way I can’t quite put my finger on, there’s no denying this is still immensely enjoyable hook-laden indie-pop at its most infectious.

Rich Deakin

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