Tuesday 5 June 2012

Record Review - Anthony Greentree


Hey, you, metal head. I’m talking to you. You’ll get tired of all this clanging and clattering one day. You’ll seek peace. You’ll crave the quiet. You’ll want to hear something like ‘Rebirth’. A beautiful, sparsely populated album of moods and melodies that will soothe your poor overtaxed brain, after all that bawling and shouting.

If it’s guitars you’re after, there are plenty of them here, nylon strung and gently plucked, with flute and recorder and some subtle percussion to augment the beautifully measured arpeggios. Give your poor frazzled eardrums a rest and let them gently vibrate to these songs of lost love, the hidden forces of nature and the incongruity of being a product of an age you’re just not meant for, but are nevertheless living in.

It’s working, isn’t it? You’re beginning to appreciate the pure note, the natural sound of the plucked string, and the stirring voice expressing fine, honest emotions. You’re leaving the dolorous, discordant, idiot grandchild of the blues to the next generation of undiscriminating dullards and beginning to move with the universal ebb and flow.  The quiet, pastoral world of Anthony Greentree is as very pleasant place to visit, and you may even want to stay a while.


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