Thursday, 28 June 2012

Record Review - Brain Washington


Death Pop 7"

This double A-side debut single from our spirited London trio has been a long time coming. Something like five years toil has been put into this band, and just to show how fiercely independently-minded they are they wouldn't release this black slab until they were perfectly happy with it. When you record, produce, design, film, and manage yourself none of your mistakes can be blamed on others.

So what are the results? Immediately you can hear the amalgamation of yer 60s garage fuzz 45s, proto-punk insane guitar playing sensibility, and those slabs of more-recent-vintage greasy rock-o-rama from Mudhoney and Sonic Youth. 'Bad Acid' has that Acid Gallery vibe of demented vocals and overblown fuzz that weighs heavily on the ears and yet makes you headbang involuntarily. Hard'n'Heavy indeed! 'L.S.D' meanwhile is an instrumental that leans on the 'mental' part of the adjective. The guitar riff sounds like an uncontrollable fire hose spraying us with fuzz and sparing no one. The rhythm section play like they're competing in the 100m final. Olympian indeed!

The label tell us to "file under: ferocious, fuzzed-up, head-piercing psychedelic mayhem", and it is a worthy addition to that section of my record collection. They must have been taking exactly the right type of lysergic pharmaceuticals to come up with such outpourings. And please make the next single appear soon, yeah guys and gals? You have our overwhelming support.

Phil Istine

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