Thursday 21 June 2012

Record Review - The Dynamite Pussy Club

Church Of Yeah
Motor Sounds CD/Download

The Bath trio with the breathtaking name make short sharp songs that you'd probably rummage around to classify as psychobilly garage punk. The press release bafflingly mentions James Brown and funk, whereas I hear a sound reminiscent of the first White Stripes albums, but even heavier.

With no bass player The Riff is king here, and they feel relentless. It's sometimes headache-inducing in fact. From the wind tunnel guitars of first song 'Testify' to the drums a go-go Cramps attack of 'Crab Bait' the words are mostly indecipherable, but that's not the point. The adolescent joy in the music is tangible. The biggest drawback is how all the songs sound too alike. When they inject some originality, like with the wonderfully kooky theremin solo on 'Sick', they show what they're capable of.

If lo-fi rock'n'roll for the Jim Jones Revue generation is your (sick)bag you should maybe spend some time at worship in this 'Church'.

Phil Istine

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