Wednesday 27 June 2012

Record Review - The New Piccadillys

All Tore Up 7"

Inspired pop-rockin', rhythm'n'blues sounding version of The Ramones' eponymous LP stop-dead winner by a just new on the scene, immaculately suited and booted, gear beat combo from around Glasgow/Edinburgh way. The
group includes George Miller, former lynchpin of The Kaisers, and also features the impeccable drumming skills of Mike Goodwin of The Thanes.

So, what they've done here, basically, is switched the rhythmic emphasis around, added cool twangs, handclaps, a little blues harp, and sweet back-up vox. The result is a super-neat cappucino-frothy, milkshake bar toe-tapper a la Earl Preston, Kingsize Taylor, or similar early Merseybeatin' pop swingers. The featured flip is 'Misery' and was originally waxed-up by early '60s Michigan combo The Dynamics; a group the early Who were rather fond of. This too is a fine re-make and showcases their ability to serve up strong vocals, with plenty of rollin 'n' rumblin' snare and tom-tom action, and twangy reverberations. A little less of a raver, perhaps, but still it too is a confident, upbeat, thrillingly authentic beat-rock performance in every sense. Both sides of this disc are a splendid spin indeed. Can't wait to
hear the LP.

Lenny Helsing

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