Monday 30 July 2012

Chris Langeland R.I.P.

Sad news to start the week: it became apparent over the weekend that the guitarist and songwriter in garage/R&Bsters Thee Vicars, Chris Langeland, has passed away.

The 22-year old has just released his bands third long-player, I Wanna Be Your Vicar.

Dirty Water Records, the band's record label, have released a statement, saying "We are devastated by his death. Chris was as kind and good a person as anyone we've ever met, as well as being a brilliant young artist. He was highly regarded and much loved by many people including his family, his many friends and by fans of the band. It was an honour and a privilege to have known and worked with Chris, and we already miss him terribly".

We here at Shindig! are all fans of his work, and his death is a great loss to our scene.

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