Friday 13 July 2012

Record Review – The Cheeks

Perform Feathered Tigers In A Magic Zoo
Misty Lane

Seasoned German band The Cheeks have been issuing records since 1995. Starting out in an early ’80s US power pop manner (Nerves), having dalliances with beat, the group now arrive at an interesting amalgamation of psychedelic forms, marked by Vox organ (think Music Machine meet the floating UK psych of Please) and electric harpsichord. Oddly, although featuring elements of The Electric Prunes, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Floyd etc their sound is often more reflective of the ’80s and ’90s – The Church, Echo & The Bunneymen, Teardrops Explodes, Lightning Seeds, Mock Turtles, Inspiral Carpets, Charlatans and Kula Shaker, even Madness, coming across.

Affirmed and varied; it's a decent album. Only the over earnest and miserable vocals let the side down.

Jon 'Mojo' Mills

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