Thursday 5 July 2012

Record Review - The Crowman

Songs From The Three-Eyed Crow

I’ve always been a bit dubious about one-man bands, usually associating them with kids’ parties, village fêtes or dodgy buskers. There are exceptions to the rule however, and in the last year or so I’ve reappraised my stance about some of these jack-of-all-trades troubadours. It must take some skill and dexterity coordinating such musical multi-instrumentation, as any one man band worth his rhythm stick will probably testify, and The Crowman certainly is – worth his rhythm stick that is.

By mixing up “blues, country, punk, steampunk and acid-folk” as his press release describes it – and that’s a fair enough a description as any – The Crowman certainly knows how to bash out a copacetic cacophony. The whole album, in particular the rowdier foot-stomping numbers like ‘Jigaboo’, ‘Lucifer Lady’ and ‘Bukowski’, would make the perfect accompaniment to a raucous party or drinking session, so crack open a casket, pour out the whiskey and get stamping those feet!

Rich Deakin

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