Wednesday 11 July 2012

Record Review – The Electric Flashbacks

The Lovely Art Of Electronics
Misty Lane

I guess we have to take stock with this one and pause for thought. Although Phil Istine democratically discussed "the continentals" love of cartoon garage in his review of Spain's The Smogglers and rectified writing a bad review I have to state my utter dislike of The Electric Flashbacks. Their obvious choice of covers, the vocals and often the disregard to the source material grate and somewhat unsettle me. Whilst new young bands like The Wicked Whispers, The Hypnotic Eye, Paul Messis, Jacco Gardner, The Allah-Las and a host of others are redeploying the notion of how cool ’60s garage and psych is it's unfortunate to hear The Electric Flashbacks murder 'Biff Bang Pow' and 'I'm Sorry She's Mine' (what is that guitar solo at the end???) in the manner of a wedding band.

Whilst the kids are doing really thoughtful and exciting things, it just seems better to try and equal the best of the ’60s rather than accept sounding like a bad ’80s garage covers band.
There's just nothing redeeming about one-dimensional garage in 2012.

Jon 'Mojo' Mills

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