Wednesday 4 July 2012

Record Review - Sula Bassana

Dark Days

==>SulaLog 26234: We know not where we are going but at least we are going. Travelling ever forwards through vast squalls of parallax infinity into cavernous squelches of disparate bass-heavy symbiosis. Scintillas of lost resonance rupture biologic-Kevlar hold. Mind begins eidetic blood-memory recall.

==>SulaLog 27892: Waves of drone-inducing arpeggio ohmforms break against the ship’s hull – mind-psi lifebeings communicate perfidiously through trepan-cerebullus rays. Most of the ship’s crew is dead now or undergoing deanimation. Brain melt through echo-lasers fired inter-alia.

==>SulaLog 34290: Blinding light floods my cornea-cy-eyes as ship touches down on flesh-basilica. Atmosphere is breathable mix of neutrons and polonium. Type A chromatic dual-cell parasites signal force crescent nearby. Follow heat source to strange Venn-altar. Creep down through shellac psyche chamber. Cloaked homunculi prepare mecha-ursine sacrifice while chanting deep incantations, “Sula Bassana, Sula Bassana, Su……”


Austin Matthews

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