Friday 31 August 2012

Record Review - Surf School Dropouts

Summer Is A State Of Mind

self-released download

For some people summer never ends. We can dig that at Shindig! HQ. For this Copenhagen band Brian Wilson is a pill to be taken twice daily. The title track perfectly encapsulates the dark heart and deep harmonies that he trademarked. Lead singer Andreas Jacobsen laments "Think About Those Summer Days/And the girls that we could chase/Close my eyes and and leave this place behind". Sentiments many of us could relate to.

This album begins as a pure pastiche of the Beach Boys, some songs taking the lead from that early, innocent doo-wop surf sound of '63 whilst others are a bit more mature, more singer-songwriter in style (Sunflower-esque), with some CSNY styles in there. 'Follow The Sun' could be The Left Banke; the 'Interlude' trilogy is pure prog. I estimate the album finishes sonically in 1972. The jangle and organ quotient is high throughout, and could not sound more 60s pop if it tried.

This sort of approach to music will either delight or infuriate, so take your sides and go buy/ignore (delete as appropriate).

Phil Istine

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