Thursday 27 September 2012

Nuggets from Australia

The classic Nuggets compilation is the inspiration for two new Australian garage compilations.

2012 marks 40 years since the release of the original Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era, 1965–1968 double LP on Elektra, and now Warner Music are marking this milestone with a new issue of the compilation. Warner in Australia are going the extra mile by dropping two decidedly Australian compilations – provisionally titled Down Under Nuggets and Antipodean Interpolations Of The First Psychedelic Era.

David Laing of Warner told Down Under Nuggets will “basically be '60s Australian stuff, a single CD which will hopefully be reasonably close to the definitive best of the '60s Australian garage stuff. I’m talking to a few different experts about it. Two guys called Ian (Ian D. Marks and Iain McIntyre) are kind of involved with it. And Mark Taylor, who was in the Lipstick Killers in the late ‘70s in Sydney, he’s one of the biggest ‘60s garage collectors in the world and really knows his shit so I’ve brought them in for opinions and such".

Laing hopes the Nuggets connection on this forthcoming release will make people realise just how influential the legendary compilation was on Australian rock bands. “I think the whole Nuggets thing had a really big influence on Australia, probably thanks to Radio Birdman in the ‘70s doing You’re Gonna Miss Me by the 13th Floor Elevators and they used to do Don’t Look Back [by The Remains] I think they really introduced the Nuggets aesthetic to Australia. Then you had that whole late-‘70s, early-‘80s Sydney thing with The Lipstick Killers and The Lime Spiders and The Wet Taxis and The Psychotic Turnbuckles… and Sunnyboys were doing covers by The Remains; there’s a really strong kind of heritage of it in Australia, so I think it’s appropriate that Mark’s doing this thing with Australian bands and that there’ll be an Australian celebration of what Nuggets is or was.”

Down Under Nuggets and Antipodean Interpolations Of The First Psychedelic Era are scheduled for a November 16 release.

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