Monday 3 September 2012

Record Review - Josephine Foster

Blood Rushing

When reviewing the previous Josephine Foster album, Perlas, I had a bit of a moan. Perlas was indeed a good collection of Spanish folk songs, but I expressed frustration that the truly original Foster no longer seemed to care about songwriting: Perlas was the third album on the trot without her lyrics.

Now we have Blood Rushing. Ten brand new songs, all written by Foster. It’s a ‘rock-ballet chanté’, running from hyper-focused acoustic quiet to psych-folk electrocution (in particular, the superb ‘Geyser’) with plenty of unclassifiable moments in there too (‘O Stars’). Blood Rushing is generally chirpier than her earlier records, helped by the sensitive yet vibrant Spanish guitar of Victor Herrero. However, what the album loses in soul carving, it makes up for with the driest Foster humour. “You’ve slept in the summer sun / burnt and brittle, well done” she smirks on closer, ‘Words Come Loose’.

And there’s always, always the wavering treasure of That Voice. Welcome back, JoFo.

Jeanette Leech

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