Monday 24 September 2012

Record Review - Tame Impala


Effortlessly shrugging off any notions of a sophomore slump, Kevin Parker follows up 2010’s splash-making debut Innerspeaker with another set of dazzling head music. Lonerism chugs, churns, pulsates, echoes, and weaves through an ever-changing series of sonically-charged and cerebrum-tickling avenues. 

Knob-twiddling living legend Dave Fridmann mixed the record, and it’s Fridmann’s heady work with The Flaming Lips, particularly on The Soft Bulletin, that's brought to mind here. Think ‘Race For The Prize’ mashed up with The Idle Race’s ‘Hurry Up John’.  The universe loses two-thirds of its supply of reverberation when the Impala plays.

Favourite parts are the sticks-in-your-head melody lines that come along every now and then, and get you humming along even as you trip the fuck out. ‘Feels Like We Only Go Backwards’, my new song of the year thus far, is something I’ve been singing to my baby to get her to sleep at night. I’m seeing trails for miles and miles.

Brian Greene

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