Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Record Review - The Good The Bad

From 034 to 050

The Unsigned Records CD/LP/DL

The Copenhagen trio with the penchant for naked ladies and numbered songs are back with their third album in as many years. Instrumental flamenco surf is how they roll, and the formula remains almost the same. But there's progress here - the sound of fellow Danes Baby Woodrose seems to have crept into the production, and the pace has definitely slackened a bit. The lead guitar is still in Joe Satriani wigglesome territory, but done with panache more akin to a King Louis than the Italian-American baldie.

What you get here is seventeen short tracks (some only thirty seconds long). There’s no highlight here, just a barrage of classy beat instros, though a nod must be made to the backwards phasing touch of psych on ‘040’ and the heavy beats/xylophone experimentation of ‘044’. But mostly the effects are non-existent - this is high-fidelity primitive music. It’s refreshing to listen to pure guitar music with no PR bullshit. And it’s not just the duelling guitars that excel: drummer Johan has a style that is so natural it might as well be the sound of a cantering horse in a Spaghetti Western. From 034 to 050 just might be their most comfortable, accessible-sounding LP yet. If soundtracky twangy surfy RAWK that is sensual and highly melodic is your bag then you’ll fall for this big time.

Phil Istine

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