Thursday 11 October 2012

Record Review - Go!Zilla

Go!Zilla EP

Santa Valvola CD/DL

New Florentian duo Lando & Delvo don’t compromise on their sound. I’d call this six-track EP, the follow up debut single ‘I’m Bleeding’, an example of modern day acid punk. The fashion currently is for tons of reverb, and not just on the psychedelic guitars and vocals, but the chugging garage guitars too. This Texan-influenced sound is what the likes of The Black Angels, Night Beats, Thee Oh Sees and Ty Segall have made their name on. It creates a mask to the sound, making it sometime impenetrable yet utterly cool and knowing, especially to any 16-year old listening in.

Go!zilla have the rockabilly rhythms attached to their twangy surf trash, meaning The Cramps are never far from the mind. The EP kicks off with ‘I’m Bleeding’, the repetitious inclusion from its previous release completely justified by its windswept, howling drunken brilliance. The chorus contains a riff to die for. Elsewhere ‘No Man’s Land’ bludgeons your ears with discordant, windmilling sounds that has attitude almost pouring out of the speakers. It might be a bit frightening to the unprepared. ‘Get Me Out Of Here’ rumbles along, tremelo-ing your bowels into submission. Don’t look for melody here, ladies and gentlemen! Back To The Grave is starting to feel like a walk in the park compared to the contents here. Of course Self-indulgence is always a danger with such visceral music, and it rears its head on the aimless 'Crimson Skies’. The EP is rounded out with two more killer riffs masquerading as songs.

All in all these are decent and horrifying songs, well written and recorded for maximum punkadelic impact. Go, go-go, go-go-go Go!Zilla!

Phil Istine

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