Wednesday 14 November 2012

Record Review - The Prisoner Of Mars

Self-released DL

Cambridge based one man band POM has put together an album that makes me thank the (dark) lord for eccentric English bedroom philosophers. What we have here are eight tracks of bizarro psych pop, new wave experiments and fey tunes that remind me of the glory days of the 45. Not the a-sides but the b-sides when bands would experiment and have some fun in the studio. Opening with the delightfully poppy 'One Day They'll Get You', the album soon moves onto the Gary Numan rehearsal riff married to a bedroom 80s new wave band of 'I Only Need Just You', the jamming pub rock of 'Dignified Dancer' and the new wave top of the pops of 'Super Duper'. There's more though, like the faux industrial tune 'Leaving Us All Behind' and the bizarro parallel world of 'Broken Record' and 'Just Can't Work It', which are the sounds of David Bowie if he'd never had another hit after 'The Laughing Gnome'.

This is an album for those bored with the lack of surprise in modern 
pop, this is an album of the b-sides, the experiments, the fun: short, sharp, fresh and always entertaining. Best of all this is an album that stands up to repeated listening. And he has plenty more where this came from, including his take on the Stones classic Their Satanic Majesties Request! Do yourself a favour, have some fun, you won't be sorry.

Kami McInnes

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