Thursday, 15 November 2012

Record Review - Thee Dang Dangs

Stone Coast EP
self-released DL

First release from this 4 piece, female led outfit from Denver, Colorado that revels in loud guitar, reverb, fucked up surfer blues
and more reverb. Coming across like a banshee led surf/rockabilly band being recorded from the back of the hall Stone Coast's opening track 'Midnight Come Rolling' might steal its riff from The Easybeats but that's where the similarity ends as the vocals, smothered in reverb,take over and the sound gets progressively heavier and uglier. From there it's the rockabilly riffs of 'Cowboy' as the 60s are dragged out of the back room and put on display in a big empty beer barn with the sounds bouncing back and forth off the walls.

'Talk Talk' continues the vibe, a punk surf tune with a guitar riff that hooks you pretty damn quick before the wail and repetitive blues of 'Aldous Huxley' drags you down into the mud. 'Hourglass' finishes the set with what could have been a beautiful sixties pop tune if it weren't for the distance between Ray Koren's sweet guitar riff and the echo of Rebecca Williams vocals but it's still a sweet way to finish and to show that there's more to this band than just the power and raunch of the earlier tracks. Thee Dang Dangs are like a bunch of kids brought up on those 'Born Bad'/'The Songs The Cramps Taught You' albums being let loose in the local club with their dad's musical equipment and no boundaries and that has to be a good thing.

Kami McInnes

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