Tuesday 26 June 2012

Record Review - The J-Pegs

Wild Honey download

If you got a Small Faces album, a Donovan album, couple of The Byrds singles and mixed them in a multi-coloured melting pot with a bit of The Kinks and The Beatles around the time of Paperback Writer, you wont be far off The J-Pegs EP.

With jangling guitars, dreamy harmonies and Steve Marriot-style lyrics, you would be forgiven for thinking this was a 60’s summer pop album. 'She Had Everything' is like The Beatles after they had discovered smoking weed, the floaty harmonies and the ‘She had Jesus’ lyrics is reminiscent of the Fab Four when they were as high as kites. A perfect summer soundtrack the tracks are light and sunny, with harmonies that give you the feeling of being a bit drunk in the park, lying in the sunshine with a light head and mellow mood.

If this EP was a piece of clothing it would definitely be a loose fitting shirt. In Paisley, that should go without saying. If it was a road it would be Carnaby Street, and if it was a TV show, it would be Ready Steady GO. A collection of tunes that make you feel like it’s 1965 and the world is in Technicolor, Twiggy was cool and hemlines were shorter than short and people said the word ‘Groovy’ without a hint of sarcasm.

Mr Marriot would approve.

Sam Warri

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