Tuesday 26 June 2012

Record Review - Sendelica

The Satori In Elegance Of The Majestic Stonegazer

These are good times for fans of spacey psychedelia with excellent recent new albums from White Hills, Carlton Melton, White Manna and Eternal Tapestry. To add to those names, Welsh warlords Sendelica have a newie out. The band has been active for several years producing consistently high quality music throughout their career, this time putting out a CD/DVD package, which radiates mescal from its freaky artwork.

The first track roars straight out of the blocks with a monster wah-wah guitar riff and obligatory whooshing noises. Thereafter, it doesn’t just follow the same template, touching on numerous bases with subdued electronica soundscapes and some neat instrumental touches like electric sitar and heavily treated sax. This is certainly for the best as the album starts to sound a little samey when they just stick to repetitive heavy guitar riffs.

Sendelica never sound quite as transcendent as some of the other bands mentioned above but they’re consistently listenable and occasionally strafe the sky when their TNT guitar work melts in to long instrumental moon tides. Not essential but more than enough titillation for space-rock heads everywhere.

Austin Matthews

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