Wednesday 5 September 2012

Record Review - Jackamo Brown

Oh No, The Drift Of The World

The genre ‘loner folk’ never runs dry. There are, after all, a lot of loners out there, and a high proportion of them like folk music. Jackamo Brown is one of them. 

Oh No, The Drift Of The World is the debut album by this rather enigmatic man. While there’s not much information about him, he does like Bert Jansch. That much is clear from his guitar, his vocal stylings, his lyrics. Of course, there are worse people to be heavily influenced by, and Brown does pay tribute to his hero well (especially on ‘Elena-Jane’). What is more original, and appealing, about this record is its ambient backdrop. It has a field-recording quality that drifts in and out, suffusing the record with a warm-earth feel. 

Be warned: there’s no track separation on this album. You have to listen to all of ‘part one’ or ‘part two’. That smacks of arrogance, a control over the listener that Brown has not yet earned the right to.

Jeanette Leech

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