Wednesday 5 September 2012

Record Review - TV Guests

Franklin 101

Jason Falkner’s god-like presence on this second album by French punk-poppers TV Guests is bound to stir some interest, but without his input as producer/engineer (Jason also provides numerous backing vocal and instrumental contributions) it’s difficult to imagine what would remain of worth.

Opener ‘Lisa’ sounds tantalisingly promising, being full of satisfying Falkner-esque chord twists and harmonies, whilst ‘Watch Me Now’ is squelchy bubblegum that manages to sound equal parts Plastic Bertrand, Human League and Chicory Tip. Other than this, however, Franklin 101 simply re-treads territory already amply covered by French new wave bands such as Taxi Girl 30 years ago. Falkner presumably did his best within the confines of a miniscule recording budget, but what he really needed was a stronger set of songs to work with.

Chris Twomey

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