Tuesday 20 November 2012

Record Review - The Dancers

The Box EP
VID Records 7"/CD

Heads up! Italian bubblegum power-punk-garage trio The Dancers should probably be called The Pogoers, for that is what you feel like doing whilst listening to their fast-lane assault on the senses.

This white vinyl four-track EP has a lead song less than a minute long. How's that for confidence? 'The Box' is 80s/90s power punk classicism condensed to its purest form. 'Heaven Is Ok' follows the same path, with some cliched stop-start riffing. 'It's Because of You' has no hook to speak of. The gabbling 'Dance When You're Dead' rounds off a thoroughly monochrome effort. The singer doesn't sound too comfortable singing in English at any point. The drumming isn't without merit though, and indeed is a powerful force throughout.

You like Green Day? Go fill your boots here. As many of our readers probably hate them, you're best off trying before buying.

Phil Istine

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