Monday 19 November 2012

Record Review - Liquid Sound Company

Acid Music for Acid People 
Rockadrome CD 
The mainman in Liquid Sound Company, John Perez, is also the guitarist in epic doom act Solitude Aeturnus, whose 1990 album Into the Depths of Sorrow is highly recommended if you like that sort of thing. Here, however, he turns his hand to a sort of psychedelic eastern-influenced jam music, a formula that has served the band well on two previous albums in ‘96 and ‘02. 

The tracks presented here are a compilation of songs of varying provenance – jams recorded with the full band, an instrumental recorded by Perez solo and two live tracks recorded in 2000. This leads to an obvious lack of cohesion, though the material is generally excellent, ranging from the heavy oriental psych of ‘Liquid Sound Freedom’, to the bell-clear ambience of ‘Morning Sun’ and the crazy live bombastica of ‘Preparation for the Psychedelic Eucharist inside the Acid Temple’. Some of the recordings are more lo-fi than others but all retain the deep mind-blown spark that makes this album so enjoyable.

One of the tracks here is called ‘Agitation Free’ and that band’s Malesch album is a good signpost to Liquid Sound Company’s sound. While there’s some unevenness here and the recording quality variable there’s always enlightening psychedelia abounding across every track. That’s real psychedelia rather than ephemeral pop music with a few silly noises on top. Outstanding stuff.

Austin Matthews

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